Khamis, 16 Mei 2019

weed science

Weed in plantation is generally enemy to crop production. It can reduce the yield by absorbing the fertilizer. That why the farmer generally will learn some of weed science. Weed science generally study of weed species that interfere with human activities and related to certain type of management.

what is weed?
Jethro Tull in 1731 states that weed is plant that grow where there are not wanted. So, weed is unwanted plant that grow among desired crop. Basically, weed will harm our crop if it not controlled

Weed will compete for :

  1. Space
  2. Water
  3. Soil nutrient
  4. Light
The competition between crop and weed will create less yield. The losses to weed depend to :

  1. Type of weed
  2. Severity of infestation
  3. Duration of infestation
  4. Competitive ability of crop plant with weeds
  5. Climatic condition that effect the growth of crop and the weed  
Herbicides testing plot

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